Acrylic Paint Effect
With so many watercolors textures around we forget about other type of colors. With this idea in mind I create a quick effect that simulate acrylic paint texture with any shape and letters in Photoshop.
What the package include:
1 PSD files that contains both black and white versions.
14 Hi-Res acrylic paint full page images (2000x2000 / 300dpi). You can find the images inside PSD in Acrylic layer's folder.
14 Hi-Res brushed images Transparent isolated PNG files (2000x1000 / 300dpi). You can find the images inside Acrylic folder.
How to use the Acrylic Effect:
1. Open AcrylicColours.psd
2. Activate the layers eyes
3. Choose your versions (black or white)
4. Double click in the first layer thumbnail to open the smart object.
5. Replace with your shape or text. Save and close the smart object content.
6. Choose your desire paint texture from Acrylic Layer's folder.
7. Use File Place command to place transparent textures from Acrylic folder (computer folder) inside the overlays folder (Layer's folder).
8. Convert the placed texture to Overlay mode.
9. You can create unlimited shape and color combinations.