Bubbly, Sociable Animation for CANN Social Tonic
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I don't do a lot of spec work, but when I do, it's for brands I love.
Cann is a Cannabis-infused social tonic that gives you a light, happy feeling. A socialable buzz. How does it do it? Well, read the label 😄
I wanted to capture the feeling you get from the drink with the animation, so there's a mixture of ongoing smooth movements, with some faster jolts of motion here and there. Everything has a wavy, dreamlike effect to charge up the motion with that "sociable buzz" vibe.
Full 15 Second Spot: https://vimeo.com/693293518
Process in a nutshell?
1. Deconstruct the can label design
2. Recreate art assets
3. Layer them up in Illustrator and import them into After Effects
4. Animation Magic
I love working with brands to help them add motion to their video spots, websites, & product highlights. Request me for some motion graphics work.