Cinema Booking Apps!

Hello y'all! πŸ‘‹

How you doing so far in 2022? πŸ€”

I've been busy lately trying to finish my thesis and Google Professional UX Certification at the same time πŸ˜…

I wanted to show you guys what I've been working on as a part of Google Professional UX Certification, which is a cinema booking apps πŸ“½

What differ this from most of cinema booking apps out there is the capability to order snack. User can directly book ticket and order snack in the same flow! So the next time they come to the cinema, they just need to show the e-ticket and pickup their snack before directly go inside the theater room! πŸ‘€

I also learn how to make the product more accessible to people with disabilities. Some of them are: adding label for wheelchair friendly cinema, following the color contrast standard from WCAG, adding gesture, and reducing animation.

I've learn quite a lot from the professional certificate program offered by Google.

Making good products means making it more accessible for every people! πŸŽ‰

More by Johannes Farrell

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