On Color
Hello Everyone,
Some of you have asked me about my color process and I published an article about that topic not too long ago. However, this article was only available in German (what a surprise). Well, yes. Because most of you are familiar with English and therefore might have spoiled the original text by using google translator (DON'T do that), I have asked @Tanya to translate the article.
So here we have the English versions for you: The first part is about some essential basics about color choices, whereas the second part deals with inspiration, altering moods, working with textures, and how to find the sacred colorpicker down in Annwyn.
I did some illos to put emphasis on some aspects, or just to brighten up the whole scenery of letters standing next to each other.
And... this illo in particular here shows the this mysterious picker called Excolorbur. *slowclap
Please let me know if you have questions, feedback, and what not. Thank you very much for your time and attention.