WWF's : The journey of the Egyptian Vulture

In 2011 I participated in the creation of one of the most applauded projects of WWF Spain, Where any user, school or organisation could be aware of the extinction of the Alimoche (or Egyptian Vulture) and its alarming and gradual disappearance.

The Alimoche (or Egyptian vulture) travels every year from Guadarrama (spain) to the north of Mauritania in a migration not excempt of dangers, natural or created by humans.

The idea was to introduce 4 of the many animals that leave in migration, from a geolocation device that they had implanted. Through the web that we also designed, the user could see in real time the exact location of each individual.

Also get a good amount of information about the areas that birds were flying over from an interactive infographic map created to represent the section of each region of Spain and Africa that witness this migration.

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