Spooky invites bottle


As of now, the spooky old invites bottle remains empty with candle wax dripping on it and a glass of whiskey sitting beside.
A lot of great people tried to open it, but only two managed to do it. The ancient skull liked their style and let their hands touch the incredible bottle.

Seriously, I really appreciate all of your emails and it really means a lot to me that you like my work and want an invite from me. For the second step, people sent me funny gifs, more of their awesome work, a few lines about themselves, videos, etc. I enjoyed reading through every single email and I carefully checked the work attached or linked in portfolios. There were also emails with stolen work, direct copies, to be exact. It brought even more awareness to my eyes and I'm more than sure those people can change for the better.
I'm going to do the same next time I'm rewarded with some invites! Lets bring some more talented creators to the game of Dribbble!

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