Nature's Imax Theater - Grain vs No Grain

After a trip to Big Sur, I was struck with the idea of exploring how grain could accent a photo. This was the view from our tent high above the clouds!

The first version features heavy grain in the foreground (view it in fullscreen to really get the picture)

The second version flips the grain onto the sky and creates a very unique focus on the tent.

I think the effect is lessened by the dimensions of Dribbble, but I felt it interesting to share as a personal project.

After a trip to Big Sur, I was struck with the idea of exploring how grain could accent a photo. This was the view from our tent high above the clouds!

The first version features heavy grain in the foreground (view it in fullscreen to really get the picture)

The second version flips the grain onto the sky and creates a very unique focus on the tent.

I think the effect is lessened by the dimensions of Dribbble, but I felt it interesting to share as a personal project.

Pine Watt
Brands, Illustrations, Packaging, Web Design

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