Personal Data

The page displays all the information that is important for the admin. For example, you can find data on the requests that you've made to find a specific company, organization, or person; you can get data on how many requests you've made and how many of them you still have left (from this mini dashboard you can also access a bigger and more expanded one).

Also, considering that the product allows users to add their requests to monitoring (that allows for notifications if any changes to a company or person were made), you can easily add or remove any of your recent requests to your monitoring page. For that purposes we also added a snacback that notifies users about all the actions they've made.

To make it even better, you can always access filters for your requests history and find the needed request easily.

All the companies and people that are added to a monitoring page can be easily manipulated by the user. They can add them to favorites (for this feature we also added a little sweet button that shows only the starred companies and people in just one click), change registries for them, add or remove notifications, and also remove from monitoring. All of these features allow for an easy access to the needed data while giving users a nice and clean UI that enhances the user experience immensely.

More by Marharyta Rabetska

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