Remote Job Search Platform

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Are you searching for job openings? Job-hunting platforms are the most common way to find a new job. They help job-hunters and potential employers find each other and communicate remotely. Here is our new concept of a job search platform.

This page displays a company's profile, a list of open positions, and company managers' contact information. Also, there is a section with blog posts, a search bar, and a button for switching between site language versions.

Keeping the background light, we added some dark grey and blue accents to create an airy and sleek app look. Also, we added user profile pictures, companys' logos, and blog post illustration previews to make the website appear more friendly and less corporate-looking.

Using this website, job-hunters can not only find detailed information about their potential employers but also contact company managers and schedule a job interview. A clean look and easy-to-navigate interface are likely to attract potential employees.

Have you ever searched for a job online?

Ronas IT | UI/UX Team
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