Avvvatars.com - Open Source React UI Avatar Library

Hi Dribbblers 👋,

It’s Oguz and Nusu here, for a long time we’ve been disturbed by the lack of a fancy user avatar placeholder library so we decided to do something in the weekend.

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Today we’re here with Avvvatars, it’s an open source random avatar generator for your next React project, we would consider supporting other libraries such as Vue or Svelte in the future and contributions are always appreciated.

How Avvvatars works is extremely simple, you pass unique identifier to the plugin such as your users email address or full name, then it generates unique avatar for the given value.

There’s also options for changing size, choosing characters or shapes for avatars and enabling shadows.

Developed by: Nusu Alabuga

Website Designed & Developed (with Framer Sites 🥳) by: Oguz Yagiz Kara (Me)

Here are the list of futures;

- 🌈  40 Colors- Colors are so on point that most of the projects can use it without changing it

- 💠  60 Shapes - Beautifully crafted shapes that are unique to your user with color combination

- 🆎  Text or Shapes 🔸 - Use letters (eg. JD for John Doe) or unique shapes

- 🤠  Unique to User - Generated avatars are unique to the string that you provide, it means if you pass janedoe@gmail.com you will always get the same avatar

- 🕊  Lightweight - Less than 20kb compressed + gzipped

- ✍️  Customizable - Use shadows, change size, provide alternative text to display

Let us know what you think, feedbacks are highly appreciated and have a nice day 👋

Oğuz Yağız Kara
digital product and web designer based in the universe.

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