2022 Head Radio logo
Head Radio is a fictional pop/rock that appeared in several GTA games. My logo design considers that the station, these days, plays a mixture of contemporary synthpop, mainstream indie pop, R&B, pop-rap, dance pop and electropop, completely losing its rock influence as a reflection on rock music becoming less mainstream within the last decade and rap becoming very popular among the younger part of today's society.
The "98.1 FM" frequency is a nod to the GTA 2 rendition of the station broadcasting from "69 to 89" FM. More specifically, it's a play on 89.0 FM by switching "8" and "9", so the station can be a commercial one (in the US, commercial radio stations broadcast on 92.1 MHz or above), and replacing "0" with "1", hence American FM stations always have an odd number after the decimal point.
More about Head Radio here → https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Head_Radio
Alternate variants of the logo here → https://imgur.com/a/GOUW5Lf