Product Development Map

This is a visualization of deliverables in context of product development process from UX point of view.

We start from the end with a Press Release that's circulated internally. This is something that Amazon does. Writing a press release is a good way to distill the value of the product into a concise statement, which then can easily be used for a mission statement for the product that helps focus the team along the way.

After we figure out the goal of the product, we can then identify the persona(s) we're targeting and their respective user journeys. At this point, storyboarding exercise would be valuable to provide context to the user journeys (where, when, emotional stage, situation, etc.)

Then to help the team get to the MVP definition of the product, borrowing TDD (Test Driven Development) idea, we write the script for usability test. That script would help us see the features to include in the MVP.

At this point we start populating the product backlog.

To efficiently build prototypes for each template that make up the experience that we'll test at the usability study, a workshop with key stakeholder could be beneficial.

As we define the various parts of the product, we'd start seeing patterns in the form of reusable components. Keeping them in pattern library would speed up the development process of subsequent templates.

After we have the key parts that make up the MVP prototyped, we conduct usability test and iterate as necessary to address issues.

When it's passed the usability test, we'd move on to get the product implemented and make it production ready.

After the launch, the press release would actually be distributed.

More by Danny Setiawan

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