HTML5 Video Background WordPress Plugin
HTML5 video background is a simple javascript module that allows you to add video to your site's background with a single javascript call. The script automatically chooses what video format to use and checks if your site is being seen from a mobile device and choose a lower quality video if so. It has also a flash fallback if user system doesn't support HTML5 video tag.
You can check out this HTML5 at the live preview. Available for purchase on CodeGrape for just $10!
Features Included:
- Simple javascript call - Mobile support - Flash Fallback - Absolute position (follows site's scroll) - Video aspect ratio to normal, aspect, full size or scale view - Maintains aspect ratio and centers video - Background pattern overlay option over the video - Control functions such as pause and play video
Control Functions:
- Play video - Pause video - Rewind video - Toggle playing status - Toggle sound - Toggle hiding video
Adding a video in background to your site is extremely easy with this application. You can install it in a few seconds. You'll just have to define paths for the videos you want to include and their respective format and the script will do the rest for you. Your site and it's features will remain exactly the same as the video won't interfer with any of your code.