Case Study: Sijejak—Contact Trace Feature
This project is part of PM×UIX Bootcamp Program by Binar Academy. I neither work for nor in contract with PeduliLindungi.
Sijejak is a contact trace feature developed by the PeduliLindungi – an official COVID-19 contact tracing app used for digital contact tracing in Indonesia. By using Bluetooth, it can exchange signals from a close radius to identify close contacts anonymously. Tracing data will be stored locally on the phone and encrypted to protect your privacy.
If someone around you tested positive for COVID-19 for the next 24 hours, you will receive an alert and be given safety steps to take care of the possible exposure.
Additional note: As a part of PeduliLindungi users, we start this minor initiative by improving and fulfilling the expectations of others users' voices lately. We hope the user's level of trust with PeduliLindungi increased with this feature.
Check out our case study page on Medium for a more in-depth look behind the process and ideation!
PM : Farhan Adi Andoro
UIX : Randityo J. Prakoso, Resky F. Tanazri
Icon Illustration inspired by Nanda F. Adhinugroho