Stop COVID - 19
In order to slow down the spread of COVID-19 among the population, the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Health have developed an application that warns users that they have been in contact with a person who has subsequently been confirmed to be infected with COVID-19. The application is based on a service jointly developed by Google and Apple and uses Bluetooth technology to exchange random anonymous keys between users' smart devices that are in epidemiologically relevant close contact. These encrypted keys are changed several times during each hour, which further guarantees the protection of user privacy. If one of the users subsequently receives a positive laboratory test on COVID-19, he may decide to share this information through the application using a one-time verification code. The application then determines whether the user has been in contact with a COVID-19 positive person and, if so, states the date of the contact and recommends the next steps. Downloading the application is voluntary, and the user can turn it off whenever he wants. The installation and use of the application does not require user registration, nor is any personal data requested or recorded, nor is the user's geolocation data collected at any time.