Hand Lettering for Beer Label Design

Coffee Among Friends - Craft Beer Label Design and Hand Lettering

Here’s a fun one I got to design for Monument City Brewing Company in Baltimore, MD.

I enjoyed creating some custom letters for Coffee Among Friends, a new Vanilla Latte Stout release! My design exploration began with rough sketching in Procreate working out the forms of the letters. Using the Apple Pencil I could sketch the words freehand and create a fun hand lettered design that was formed in the steam of the coffee. After I got the basic shape down, I took this design into Adobe Illustrator and redrew the lettering as a vector! A few hot hours later of carefully placed points and bezier curves I explored a cool color palette to invite your eyes in for a sip!

Click here to see the hand lettering illustration process.

Jen Borror | Hoot Design Studio
Visually telling a story with custom illustration.
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