Your first paid “gig”

Here’s an eye-opening stat for you…

One in four Americans now make bank from the ‘online’ economy.

In other words, they use their personal computers, smartphones or other devices to supercharge their income wherever they can hop onto the internet – whether that’s in a local café, or in the comfort of their own home.

This research comes from research company Pew Research Centre.

They call it the “gig economy”.

Here are some ways the research revealed people are making a quick buck from the “gig economy”…

About two percent of Americans earned money from ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft

Using digital devices to offer a service online was another way to earn income

Other people use apps on their computer devices that permit people to hire them to babysit, walk dogs or do repair or clean-up work

Some of these people said they had jobs that paid a few pennies each to take surveys

Others typed reports or other information on their home computers

It’s that last one I want to talk to you about today – making bank by writing a few words on your home computer or laptop.

You see, the main challenge of starting work like this is finding paid “gigs”.

But there’s a website that does all the hard work of finding decent paid writing jobs for you.

It’s called Paid Online Writing Jobs…

And you can click here to see what jobs are available now.


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