No Afterparty by La Femme
Generate solutions that refresh the public and fill them with sensations that occurred as losses or that had never been experienced, filling the atmosphere of excitement and curiosity.
The pandemic is not only a health problem, but also a cultural phenomenon of enormous proportions. It has radically modified habitual ways of life, daily routines and relationships with the environment.
As well as the ways to entertain oneself, to access information and to recreate the time and space of confinement.
Many sectors of culture, starting even with the strongest and most widespread industrially, such as music, the publishing industry and audiovisual productions, have been dramatically hit by the pandemic. Indeed, the public shows were the first to leave and will surely be the last to return.
No afterparty is the union of two opposing ideas that are contradictory but at the same time generate a kind of hidden truth. That is why much of the concept is intertwined with some secrets to discover, to generate a certain curiosity in the public and that they are part of the encounter with this truth, promoting the resolution capacity of young people.
When developing a concept, it is necessary to consider three essential variants, the context, the band and the audience in order to deploy a creative process that encompasses expressions in common, thus generating a powerful strategy at all levels.
In the concept of No Afterparty there is a result to the social problems of the context, in addition to proposing a different experience to the user, it delves into the sensations and gives the opportunity to experience new technologies and solutions through the music of La Femme.
Through No Afterparty, it is possible to position a new medium to broadcast live concerts taking into account the restrictions established due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Showing with different types of production and direction, as a novel project that did not convince a large part of the public, can reinvent itself and generate sensations that viewers seek, thus satisfying their needs. La Femme, a different, alternative band that mixes various elements that make it unique, is a key pioneer in the development of an experience of this magnitude.
No Afterparty is the perfect mix of emotions that serves as a loudspeaker for solutions in this new era, not only moving sensations within the La Femme audience, but also the entire world with the impact that the project entails. It is what its own name implies, when there is no more afterparty, thousands of sensations come.
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