🎭 Movie theater app 🎬 🍿

I'm so happy to share this project with you 😌πŸ₯³πŸΎ This was my first project in the Google UX Design Profesional Certificate.

The movie theater app is a snack ordering app created to help people located in a metropolitan area who use to go to a movie theater often 🍿πŸŽ₯.

My target customers are people aged 20-60 years old living a busy life but who love to have some relaxing time with snacks in a movie theater.

Some of the pain points:users arrive at the movie theater just in time so they can't spend time in endless queues to order snacks 🍩In terms of accessibility, people with food allergies or food intolerance use to struggle a lot to find food adapted to this need.

This app is an amazing solution for those parents who go to the movie theater 🎭 with their children and don't want to spend a lot of time at the counter.

Please follow this link to play with the app:Β https://www.figma.com/proto/zVNIq4ABJsA6FL6qOnfNVi/Movie-theater--Digital-Wireframes-and-Prototype-(lo-fi-)?page-id=359%3A7000&node-id=359%3A7001&viewport=344%2C48%2C0.17&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=359%3A7744

Any feedback is more than welcome πŸ€—

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