CMYK - Unique Display Typeface
CMYK is a new typeface from Raphael Nascimento, the reunion of two things that interest me a lot: modular typography and printed things. From a simple grid, the marks of the printing process, usually invisible in the final products, become modules placed randomly in the construction of the font, thus giving a more expressive and experimental aspect to the design.
CMYK is a new typeface from Raphael Nascimento, the reunion of two things that interest me a lot: modular typography and printed things. From a simple grid, the marks of the printing process, usually invisible in the final products, become modules placed randomly in the construction of the font, thus giving a more expressive and experimental aspect to the design.
CMYK is a new typeface from Raphael Nascimento, the reunion of two things that interest me a lot: modular typography and printed things. From a simple grid, the marks of the printing process, usually invisible in the final products, become modules placed randomly in the construction of the font, thus giving a more expressive and experimental aspect to the design.