Tips App
QR-codes are used in various spheres: in marketing, healthcare, and production. How about using them in the restaurant business? It’s convenient to use QR-codes for tipping waiters. Let’s explore our concept of a QR-code app.
The onboarding screen displays the app’s name and motto. It introduces users to the functions of the app. The home screen displays the account balance and the user’s income history. The second screen displays the user’s main QR-code and a list of other QR-codes ready to be printed.
For this concept, I chose a light and airy color scheme. I accented all the interactive elements and points of statistics with light purple that doesn’t distract users from observing the main contents of the screen.
Using this app, users can download their QR-codes, print them, and put them on business cards and banners. Even though this app has a lot of functions, its interface is simple and UI is well-balanced.
How often do you use QR-codes?
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