SIBOR MACHINING — a team of young and at the same time experienced employees. Everyone has an excellent education behind them — MSTU. N. E. Bauman on the profile of metalworking MT2. It is a small production, lack of experience in communicating with customers, and, accordingly, understanding of the target audience and competitors (basically, all orders come through acquaintances or recommendations). There are no active sources of lead generation on the Internet, Instagram is half-alive, and there are no other social networks.

Objective: create a new source of leads from scratch, test the hypothesis and work out the positioning of the company. Create a landing page structure for directing traffic through contextual advertising.

Main problem: it is difficult to single out a specific proposal. Production is mainly to order and each project is individual. There is also a problem with the allocation of target audience and the formation of a narrow offer, based on their pains, needs and objections.

Project outcome:

1. Time: The project was created, ready for use and delivered on time according to the work schedule without a single edit from my clients

2. Target audience analysis: A detailed analysis of the target audience was carried out and the main important criteria for choosing a company by customers were identified. Based on the target audience table, a content plan for Instagram was also created

3. Analysisof competitors: Helped to identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to form our competitive offer, which was also duplicated in the content plan

4. Conversion: The launch of the advertising company was postponed to March, so I will most likely post the results in my social networks later

More by Kirill Brovorec

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