Top 10 Photo Review | Unsplash

You know, when I started posting photos on Unsplash I didn't really have an expectation of what'd become of it. I just knew that I wanted a creative outlet that was based on intuition as opposed to needing a documented rationale for every design decision along the way. 

That being said, it's been fascinating to see how those posts have taken on their own life out in the world. When I was notified of 1 million views, I had a quote running through my head "A million of something is a lot of anything" and so I thought it was worth a closer inspection. 

I think there's a few take-aways and I might write up something more comprehensive later, especially when it comes to the kind of thing people are looking for and for what purpose but for now, I can probably just throw out a high level summary.

1) Aesthetic is a complete and tradable value proposition in of itself

2) What'll take off is often unexpected

3) People like wallpapers (thanks Unsplash search trend metrics)

Get cracking 📸

Jack McGrath
Shots just for fun! Portfolio 🔗 in 'About'

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