Fitcrypt logo design

"Brand identity"

Fitcrypt logo design.

I got a message in DM and the client brief for a logo design was as simple as possible.

Hey Franklin,

I’m.... I got your number from.... He’s my friend. I wanted someone to create a logo for me and he suggested you to me.

I planned on starting up a clothing line for physical/ training wears and I want a logo that’s relatable to different types of audience. The name of the business is called FITCRYPT! Can you create something with the above name?

She told me what the Fitcrypt meant which is Fit (exercise), crypt (money) like cryptocurrency. And that was all I needed to conceptualize this logo design. I knew immediately the direction to go with this design, something simple, relatable to different audience, that can be used on different products and that will still be identifiable at small sizes since it will be used on clothing's.

I went into sketching first on paper as i usually do to put down my imagination. The logo mark was created by combination of letter F+C and a circle, the circle is symbolic of a coin, money. From the name crypt-ocurrency. I cleverly made the letter C become part of letter F, then adding the coin to it to balance it off.

Designing the particular logo was almost effort less because the ideas kept flowing. I gave her three concepts and this one was the winning design.

Hope you guys love it as much as I do?

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