100-day design challenge #002
#DailyUI #002 resort checkout page. Photos from Camel Ranch Valley.
After I did this project, I saw this article talks about whether we should add discount code on the checkout page. https://gajus.medium.com/the-biggest-ux-mistake-in-e-commerce-discount-code-input-on-the-checkout-page-e2458d894231
I added the coupon link on my project because as a user, I'd like to use coupons if I can find one. However, I also agree with the author's point that the discount link may distract users from finishing the checkout process.
He also suggested to use a special URL instead of placing a coupons input field on the checkout page. But I think it is not suitable for all types of e-commerce store since some of them like to provide coupons on their website as an incentive for the consumers. So I guess the designer should understand the company's promotion strategy to decide if he/she should keep the coupons field on the checkout page.