Doom Bloom - Craft Beer Label Design 2022

Doom Bloom is a special triple IPA with cactus fruit picked fresh from behind the brewery. We make this beer once a year for Bay Area Beer Week. The design brief was to draw inspiration from the special addition of cactus fruit & create a label that evoked the fiercely hopped nature of the beer. After brainstorming around the name Doom Bloom, I hit upon the idea of a richly textured pattern of skulls with cactus and "blooms" worked into the design. The pattern is loosely held together rather than strict, which reflects the ever changing nature of the recipe. We're always tweaking and updating. Lastly, adding a tone-on-tone black foil to our brand BAREBOTTLE really added contrast while keeping the overall label dark & foreboding. What do you think? Would you drink this beer?

Pine Watt
Brands, Illustrations, Packaging, Web Design
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