06 Passion Palette

Palette no.: 06

Palette name: Passion

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Swatch: Torch Red

Hex: E72846

HSL: 351, 80%, 53%

RGB: 231, 40, 70

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Swatch: River Bed

Hex: 41475E

HSL: 228, 18%, 31%

RGB: 65, 71, 94

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Swatch: Link Water

Hex: C8CED9

HSL: 219, 18%, 82%

RGB: 200, 206, 217

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Swatch: Athens Gray

Hex: EFF0F3

HSL: 225, 14%, 95%

RGB: 239, 240, 243

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Hue Journal is a side project to scratch my own ich. day to day I come across inspiring colors. I want to catalog them, experiment with them, play with them. this is an outlet to do so.

More by Chintan Chavda

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