vybrid is a company focused on the production of hybird fruits and vegetable
What motivates them is the idea of transforming the future through science. With actions and research that have favorable impacts worldwide. Its commitment is to positive changes. With evolution, innovation and, mainly, with nature. A healthy planet will be our biggest, and best, legacy for the next generations. The vybrid revolution implies bringing sustainable solutions today that will impact and improve tomorrow.
Key words:
Science. Technology. Friendly. Nature. Trust
Identity elements and symbol:
The starting point was the transformation of the raw material into a final product, the connection of the seeds and symbolically the letter ‘V’, the initial of the company name. These semiotic elements support the basis of the brand's graphic element. From the symbol and concept of transformation, elements were created that symbolize the connections of the elements that make up the cross-breeds. It is a unique, flexible identity that has a lot of dynamism and applicability