Corbit: Web Design

Corbit - Handmade IT Support & Software (Ghent, Belgium)

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In collaboration with: developed an updated Branding & Marketing Strategy for Corbit in order to support them with the combat in the war for talent. gave the unique profile of a Corbit employee a name that sparks one's imagination. That way, we clearly indicate what profile Corbit is looking for (broad, versatile), and at the same time we show what kind of an underdog that person is:

Octopus IT person

(m., f., x.)

Super brain with lots of tentacles and knowledge of IT and software. Rare creature that has already swam through a lot of water. Realize that no two problems are the same, and neither are two solutions.

That new name, branding and story must also be communicated through the right channels in order to reach the sought-after talent. With a new style, refreshing texts, authentic photos of the team and the atmosphere, thanks to photographer Liz Dvorkina, the renewed website was rebranded into a contemporary and cool communication channel.

There are elements on every page that motivate new talent to make themselves heard. To keep contact as accessible as possible, they can now also opt for an informal introduction to the Octo-posse or for a short chat. For the development and design of this Wordpress website we worked together with Damiaan Keppens.

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