Sweettea Signature Script Font

Sweettea is a Fresh & modern new Signature Script Font with handcrafted calligraphy style, decorative characters and dancing baselines! Very pretty on invitations such as greeting cards, branding materials, business cards, quotes, posters and more!!

Sweettea comes with Alternate characters are divided into several Open Type features Stylistic Sets, Stylistic Alternates.

Sweettea perfect for branding projects, logo, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark, invitation, quotes, stationery and any projects that need handwriting taste.

Visit my shop and get other interesting fonts, free versions available : https://koplexsstudio.com/sweettea-font/

Koplexs Studio provides various types of fonts, namely: Serif Font, Sans Serif Font, Script Font, Signature Font, Display Font, Handwriting, cursive font, cute fonts, Vintage Fonts, Groovy Fonts,


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