Activity Graph [iOS App Concept]

I think that Apple Health or Activity apps have a huge potential for new marketing ideas. I played around with on of them this weekend. Do you remember Nike giving free clean t-shirts in exchange for it’s Nike+ Fuelband points? Imagine companies like Red Bull, Gatorade or Monster giving free drinks and other rewards in similar way for their own points too.

I tried to make this little graph screen inspired by Apple Watch Activity app and Nike+, instead of showing move, exercise and stand I’m showing adrenalin (fast movement covering all action/extreme sports, basically exercise and move merged) and chill (for standing, hanging around with friends, relaxing). These two measurements can make final score/points together (adrenalin will give you more of course :) and you’ll be able to exchange these points for drinks and rewards later when you reach some target.

What do you think?

— Bigger animation
— Real pixels

More by Ales Nesetril

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