Birthday Gift C

This one was the last of my Capricorn birthday gifts. I made a bridge. It was.... Interesting to make, as I am someone who usually doesn't pay any mind to bridges.

I definitely needed help with this one, so the person this gift was for actually gave me tips and told me what type of bridge he actually wanted. I was able to come up with the details myself, but they made sure that everything at least looked as if it could be a properly standing bridge.

This bridge is meant for trains, cyclists, and pedestrians. I think they described it as a suspending arch bridge. And the design of the bridge itself was based off of my nickname for them, so feel free to guess what it is.

Also, when I was designing this bridge I had no intentions of it being a train stop. You will notice stairs, but my idea was that maintenance workers would be able to use the stairs as needed. But, it might actually be cool to have a system where people went under the surface of the bridge instead of crossing the train area.

Also also, the line between the rectangular bushes are actually the gates that separate the people from the train, and they would preferably be locked when not in use. While the oblong shapes in the very center are the structures holding up the bridge...

I think that's all. Ok byeeeeeeeeee.

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