Toxic Masculinity • 3 / 6

If boys will be boys, what will girls be?  

I'm sure you've heard the phrase 'boys will be boys.' 

But did you know how harmful this phrase can actually be? 

Although the usage of this phrase is typically unintended to cause harm, it can be very psychologically harmful. 

Phrases like this set an irrational standard for how male behavior should be. 

The phrase 'boys will be boys' is used to dismiss the rough and reckless behavior of boys and men. 

It infers all males are preprogrammed to act in such ways instead of holding individuals accountable for their behavior and actions. 

This phrase also promotes gender stereotypes. 

Not all boys like to jump in puddles and play with cars. 

Some prefer to play dress up and do crafts instead. 

This irrational definition of masculinity promotes the idea that any male that doesn't live up to this so called "standard" isn't masculine enough. 

But what we should be doing is viewing all males as individuals with unique personalities, just like every other human. 

It's time we stop saying outdated, stereotypical phrases like this - and more importantly, it's time to stop believing it. 

Let's erase this phrase from our vernacular. 

I think we can come up with a better word to complete this phrase. 

How about ... 

Boys will be unique. 

More by Isaac Hanson

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