Toxic Masculinity •  1 / 6

Toxic masculinity is the product of rigid gender norms. 

It teaches males that they need to act tough and can't express themselves, show emotion, or talk about their emotions. 

But why? 

Why can't I let my emotions free and express them when they arise? 

Society says I can't because I'm a male and showing emotion makes me "weak." 

But the true answer is that I can. 

The strongest thing I've ever done is open up, be vulnerable, and show emotion. 

It shouldn't be about masculine vs. feminine. 

We're all human and humans have emotions - so we should all be able to express them.

I have experienced firsthand the negative effects of gender roles/norms and stereotypes. 

It's had a massive impact on my self image and mental health. 

I've been taught that I need to bottle up my emotions. 

And when my bottle was overflowing and I couldn't help but break down and show emotion, I felt as though I wasn't being tough enough. 

The pressure this puts on males is so detrimental to their mental health and can have serious consequences. 

The stats are very alarming. 

1 in 10 men experience depression and anxiety, and men die by suicide 3.5x more often than women. 

A 2015 study found that men who bought into traditional notions of masculinity held more of a negative attitude about seeking mental health services compared to those with more flexible gender attitudes. (source: Very Well Mind) 

This is because they feel seeking help is a sign of weakness and they're not being a "real" man if they do so. 

This needs to change. 

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