
“Connexion” is my 3rd surrealist creation from my latest corpus “Bodies and Souls”.

Always coming from an imagination where the mind and the heart live harmoniously, once again the feminine and the masculine are present.

They are very important and powerful in the message that this visionary and symbolic creation brings.

- “Composed instinctively, the basic elements used for this work were initially juxtaposed by digital collage.

They communicate a message of true love where dreams come true as the felt energy and force of attraction will literally guide them to one another. Together, a union is created and a new life begins. ”

This watercolor and acrylic painting has a cloudy yellow and blue sky as a background.

On the horizon, a central band is painted gray where to the right, two small silhouettes of birds are flying.

Below you can see the soft and calm sea with the same yellow and blue reflections of the immense luminous sky.

In the center in the background, we see a large white star divided into 12 parts covered with a multitude of fine black lines.

These lines weave in 1000 and 1 ways, drawing different crisscrosses and also forming its ends completely black.

In front of the star, the profiles of the main subjects, a man and a woman, are displayed.

They take a big part in the creation.

Their skin is painted in several bluish tints.

The profile of the man on the left is almost all blue.

He is a cosmic man.

From his head explodes a whole lot of fragments.

He connects with her but also with the universe.

He is finally reborn.

The profile of the woman in front of him on the right sports a beautiful yellow plumage.

She is a bird woman, like Sirin from Slavic mythology, only "one" man can hear her song.

A light dives and illuminates them, this light comes from the Source.

Their mouths are very close but do not touch.

Their eyes are closed.

They breathe themselves.

The composition of this creation speaks for itself, the long-awaited "connection" is finally established.

The shape that the subjects take may resemble a butterfly and, without a doubt, offers an air of tender freedom.

Painted by Geneviève CHAUSSÉ

Multidisciplinary Visual Artist

August 14, 2021


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