App Icon Template 4.0

You guys will never guess what I've been working on. That's right, a major new version of the App Icon Template. Here's what's new:

βœ” New iOS 8 and @3x sizes
The template now includes the full array of sizes all the way from iOS 5 to iOS 8.
βœ” New Size Matrix
Easily see how your icon looks across OS'es, Pixel densities & devices.
βœ” New Bicubic Export Actions
Output smoother files with less aliasing with the new export actions based on bicubic scaling.
βœ” Export For Specific iOS Versions
Export the full array of sizes or just for iOS 5/6 or iOS 7/8
βœ” Screenshots and Styles Updated for iOS 8
βœ” Lots of little Improvements and Additions
Alpha & beta badges, quick test background colors, .json file for quick Xcode Asset management.

Wrote a bit about the new stuff here β˜›
Get it from β˜›

Hit 'L' if you β™₯︎ this.

Let me know if you find any issues or have any suggestions for improvements.

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