Introducing the black noise textures

This is a collection of six (6) base black textures, scanned from some foamcore panels. The result is a series of extremely practical assets to add subtle variations to your work, to ever stay away from dull flatness.

The textures can be used as-is, as background elements. They can also be overlayed, and blended in, on your pieces. The myriad of additional formats (transparent, Bitmap TIFFs for Illustrator, etc.) supercharges the base assets in their flexibility.

Recommended blending modes are Normal/Overlay/Soft light when used as is, or Screen/Lighten/Color dodge when using high contrast versions. Negative versions can benefit from Multiply/Darken/Dissolve. Transparent versions can make use of the Color overlay feature, to give them precisely the color needed for the grit in your piece.


- Six (6) base textures

- 18" wide @ 300 ppi

- Lots of alternative versions: negatives, transparent, high contrast, etc.

- Lots of supplemental file formats, for use in virtually any application: JPG, PNG, Bitmap TIFF, etc.

- Bonus: "dirty" versions of the full set, with smudges, extra dust, and more


You should purchase the black noise textures now.


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Posted on Jan 17, 2022
Simon Hartmann
Designer, blogger, photographer, husband. USA/FR. He/Him.

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