WIP -- new blog

(See attached for search animation)
Spinning up a personal blog using ghost (written in node with plenty of wonderful javascript) and this is what I have so far. Going for a mix of old and new, clean interface. Wanted to echo the feeling of an old manuscript while maintaining a clean, intuitive UI. Not sure if it's there yet, but I'm happy with the direction that it's going.

It's written as a ghost theme in handlebars (which is nicely reminiscent of angularjs, although I'm not sure which came first), but uses jQuery, some bootstrap modules, fastclick.js (from FTLabs), the ghostHunter search module, Sass, and vanilla javascript.

Ghost is supposed to be "the next Wordpress"—I'm not sure about that, but it's certainly gaining traction and has a really active development team and community. Especially with Javascript being so popular, it wouldn't be surprising to see more of it in the future.

One question though: does the "i" in Theologica bother anyone? Looks too much like an accent mark to me, but that could just be my inner linguist speaking up.

Thanks all! Thoughts and feedback appreciated!

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