Reviews Web Application for Tradespeople


The product helps Tradespeople quickly generate 100's of online reviews from authentic customers. 95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase.


· UX/UI Designer and Researcher

· Project Manager


Tradespeople need to get good ratings on social media portals, as about 95% of the customer base looks at these interfaces before calling a service provider. Contractors who work on several shorter-term projects find it difficult to manually trace, contact, and ask customers to leave online reviews.


For Tradespeople, the two most important social media sites are Google My Business and Facebook, as most of their customers typically view these before choosing a provider. Accordingly, the primary goal of the product is to offer an automated solution for these platforms. Furthermore, the app needs to increase interactions and provide a personalized experience to contractors' customers to leave as many reviews on the different platforms as possible. For Tradespeople, we need to reduce the number of interactions and provide an automated solution, so they don't need to spend time on this specific task.


• Create an MVP from scratch in under 15 weeks (development included).


Fanni Csincsak
Product Designer. Open for new projects.

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