E-Commerce Web Design - New Payment Methods of Electronic Store

Happy New Year 2022 Guys!


It's my first dribble design portfolio in this new year.

I want share my design project about e-commerce web design. Btw, this is my personal start-up project to create an e-commerce website that offering new payment methods.

The prototype was develop and you can search it on the browser with the name www.tokoarisan.com. And you need to known, I develop it with WordPress.

Oh ya! I design this web used Figma and you can looking up at https://www.figma.com/proto/lGtcn5z9LzZt9XR3jEaDUf/TokoArisan.com?node-id=10%3A2&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=10%3A2

Unfortunately, the design Figma with the WordPress Prototype quite different, but still have the same function. I hope you will appreciate it!

Last but not least, if you have some idea to create something like your business idea or start-up project. You can call me to realize your idea into reality. Like I am design and develop my start-up!

Feel free to contact me at feberwidiy@gmail.com

Also visit my personal website at feberwidiy.site

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