Misc.: Footsies - The Handheld LCD Game!

Surprise! I'm back, baby! After a lengthy and much needed holiday break, it's time to start posting again!

Over the break, I began preparation work for my Twitch channel's yearly event, Fighter's February! A month long marathon of fighting games, from the obscure to the well known, it's something I always look forward to. It's been running for four years since 2018, with 2022 being the fifth year going and I could not be more excited for this year's outing!

I normally keep the final game list tight lipped until a week before kick-off, but today I'm cleverly announcing one of the games featured! Our kickoff title will be Footsies, a neat little game that helps you understand one of fighting game's important fundamentals.

It's a very bare bones experience, since it's goal IS to help newer players understand footsies, but it's still great fun none the less. Can't wait to bust it out with my crew! But with it's bare bones presentation however, it reminded me of those old LCD handheld games. You know the kind. It'd probably work well considering how simple the game itself is.

So naturally I made a LCD game design mock up that comes in two flavors! Mint condition and battle damage~! Gotta make good use of that Pro membership while it lasts, because that was a $20 money sink!


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