Aprendo + UNAM 2016 | CUAED

Hello Dribbblers 🖐🏾, I have designed many graphic proposals. I hope you like it.

I have kept it practical and simple.

The UNAM, together with the CUAED, is in charge of various projects, among these are the courses of Aprendo +.

The Aprendo + courses are available to all audiences and are free; This means that it is enough that you are interested in knowing some of the topics that are addressed in them to register and take them.

All have a duration of between 6 and 30 hours. They are self-study; that is, you decide when to start and finish each course. The moment you decide to register to study one, you should organize your time to be able to review the content and carry out the activities.

The courses have videos, lectures, links to other sites, images, audios and other elements that present the topics to be studied. With the learning activities you can reinforce your knowledge and verify your learning.

If you are a very busy person and you think that you do not have enough time, enroll in a course, and depending on your progress, decide if it is convenient for you to enroll in another at the same time or not.



Link to project: https://www.behance.net/gallery/44766963/APRENDO-MAS-UNAM-2016-CUAED-

Link Client: https://aprendomas.cuaed.unam.mx/


Your comments are appreciated.

Do you have something to work on?

I am available for freelancing. Just email aguileraraul960@gmail.com

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