with this reinterpretation of Maurits Cornelis Escher's "Balcony" I wish everyone, in this new year, to get out of the "bubble" in which we have fermented for months and embrace new horizons. May this new year be full of discoveries and broad views.
with this reinterpretation of Maurits Cornelis Escher's "Balcony" I wish everyone, in this new year, to get out of the "bubble" in which we have fermented for months and embrace new horizons. May this new year be full of discoveries and broad views.
with this reinterpretation of Maurits Cornelis Escher's "Balcony" I wish everyone, in this new year, to get out of the "bubble" in which we have fermented for months and embrace new horizons. May this new year be full of discoveries and broad views.