Teresa Catania — Rebrand

The residential real estate market in Oregon has boasted continual growth and increasing demand for years. The natural beauty of the state and the combination of city and outdoor living attracts people from across the country looking to take advantage of the Pacific Northwest lifestyle. Along with demand, comes a need for a dependable and knowledgable residential broker that can prioritize their needs and establish a trusting relationship that goes far beyond a simple google search. In order to stand out amongst the competition and reaching new cliental within the state and outside of it, requires a clear understanding of one's core values and the values of their clients. 

Teresa Catania is a long time Oregonian with twenty years of experience in the residential real estate space and a long list of loyal clients. The success and reputation she's built stems from her dedication to treating her clients the same way she treats her family with dedication and devotion, backed by respect, assertiveness, and tenacity. Wanting her core values to be communicated and needing an entire revamp of her brand identity, we worked together to create a new monogram logo, equipped with three typefaces, a vibrant and eye catching color palette, print marketing pieces, and stationary.

A primary goal of the rebrand was to create informative print design pieces that would connect with Teresa's preexisting target audience living in Oregon and out-of-state. Within these two audiences lied a similar key interest in the outdoor lifestyle of Central, Oregon and Portland, Oregon. The 8.5" X 11" print pieces focused on some of the most unique, and popular, outdoor destinations, while emphasizing the closeness of these destinations to the two city centers of Bend and Portland. The smaller flyer expands on Teresa's core values of tenacity, dedication, and friendliness, which are echoed in her client's exuberant testimonials. The rebrand, along with a website redesign, positioned Teresa as an experienced, knowledgable, personable, and family oriented residential broker that goes above and beyond to fight for her clients needs.

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