Bluesuntree Category Listing

This is a shot of the category listing pace for a product/interiors website I designed while at Un.titled.

As an interiors website, they have literally tonnes of products. As a result, the journey and ability to effectively refine your search is hugely important for the user.

Rather than jumping straight into product listing, we created a category listing stage before it, which further categorieses products.

Rather than simply list its title with an image, we also included the count (number of items within that category) and also a meta description of the type of product that will be in there. Doing so gives the user a much more informed decision of which category they need to choose.

Alongside these ux considerations, we also created a flexible, dynamic modular grid, rather than simple having uniform 4x3 grid. This modular approach meant we could create compositions which better suit the product, such as thinner modules for lighting and wider modules for sideboards or sofas.

You can see this page in the flesh on the newly launched Bluesuntree website

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