Misc.: Console Icon Study (90's Style)
Ahah! Would you look at that! I produced something new after all.
Yes, I found a little list of random ideas/concepts on my phone and got a much needed boost for output! First up, THIS!
Calling back to my penchant for coming up with random guff for my writing worlds, this is the icon/symbol for the PlayBox, my go-to expy for the Playstation! And as you can see, I came up with a few variants to match that era of video game console iconography.
First is the stylish, 3d perspective take that's similiar to the classic 'PS' icon that we all know and only now realized was actually a 3d render on the boot screen and not a bitmap graphic.
Second is a less fancy, but still quite appealing flat design with some nice thick outline action.
And last but not least, third is an outline-less take with a box outline around it because, y'know. PlayBOX.
Y'know, I kinda want to make a mockup bootscreen animation with one of these. Might be good to get some motion graphics work up on the Dribbble!
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