2022 One line drawing calendar- July page

I made my own brand Patterns for future (ig: @patternsforfutureorg) and that's the first big thing I'm selling - you can find it on etsy or in instagram

One line drawing calendar for 2022 with wild animals representing each month.

I aimed for a minimalist look as it's mostly in black and white with a bit of color that is not completely following the lines on purpose.

10% of the price will be donated for the wild animals organization in Bulgaria.

Etsy link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1105420730/one-line-drawing-minimalist-calendar-for?click_key=909c66d473b2ad98be0a178c7f0fd621530407cb%3A1105420730&click_sum=8313781d&ref=shop_home_active_1

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