A huge frame like shape on an appartement tower in Rotterdam Ommoord asked me to use its potential. Now, different subjects from conversations I had with people from the neighbourhood are shown on this mural. Let me explain them all.

This short movie shows how I implement the residents stories in the mural.

For example, the artwork is about Jorge.

In summertime, Jorge likes to drink a beer on the square near the Binnenhof shopping center. Thats where the wall is located. Being an evangelist he believes that God and Satan are waging a holy war with each other. According to him, God is also responsible for the white light the sun shines from time to time. And when that happends, he takes pictures of it. At the moment of our conversation crows flew around all the time. Jorge said that if there are a lot of crows in a certain area, it's because death reigns there.

Read all stories here.

Omnivoor is made with different kinds of paint and ink. Its opening was on October 29, 2020.

This project was made possible with a financial contribution from CBK Rotterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam & Stichting Ouderenhuisvesting Rotterdam.The location of the mural is: Binnenhof 62, 3068 JW Rotterdam, Netherlands

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