Download Free Dropbox Alternate Icons for Mac
UPD Please, mind that this post was a written a while ago and the icons Dropbox has now are much nicer :-)
UPD Thanx to @ichik umer, now the icons scale down properly, a larger set and a simplified set were added.
If you shoot me a screenshot at I could do a better job with it. Thanx!
Link on Gumroad:
I've been using Dropbox on OS X for almost 4 years now, and it was all good. Though, I think at some point I couldn't look at a Dropbox folder anymore, just like now every Dropbox update throws me mentally back to Win XP — default status icons are still horrible. Hell, I am supposed to look at them every day. So, I placed custom icons locally in the app package. You can too.
These were made in early 2012, but I still enjoy them more than default ones. It's apparent, they stay forgotten, while all the beautiful new illustrations come out of Dropbox design studio in packs.
Circle-shaped progress icons are on the rise now, but there's a reason why you probably don't want a solid shape here. It's an overlaying object, when it gets bigger it steals your attention from the content you're looking through, wanting to become more than an indicator.
You can download the pack for free on Gumroad.
What's in there
It's 512 pixels OS X icons. They cover such states as synced, syncing in progress, error and sel-sync (selective synchronization). The package includes a folder with .ICNS images, a folder with .PNG images and a .PSD (nothing fabulous there, but just in case).
You can generate a .icns file (that's Apple icon format) yourself, if you like or just want to be sure about that file you're about to put in your system. You need a transparent PNG image then, the one to become your icon. And you'll need Apple Developer Tools installed, download the latest at
Here's how to locate Icon Composer on 10.8.5 and earlier: Macintosh > Developer > Applications > Utilities > Icon Composer
There are also a handful of tools for generating icns files online.
The Update
Here's the link if you missed it:
Copy new icons to Dropbox contents in Applications.
Here's how to do the update. —Go to Macintosh, then Applications and right click on the Dropbox app icon. — Select 'Show Package Contents'. When you open Contents, choose Resources folder. — Copy images from ICNS folder and confirm replacement. — Reboot and launch Dropbox.
Every day matters. Alice @allergeek