Misc.: Dirty Old Coin

Boy oh boy, that winter piece sure did numbers! Guess it's back to the usual old designs that barely push my envelope as an artist!

Ok jokes aside, I've been having waaaaaaaaaay too much fun with the texture brushes in Affinity Designer. It's just so SATISFYING that I can do all that in program without having to scour through free texture sheets on Google or having to make multiple backup layers if I mess something up!

And keeping in with the spirit of the winter piece, I wanted to try something with my style. In this case, some faux 3d shading or whatever you wanna call it. Something to try and prove to myself that I don't need to always rely on the layer style beveling and 3d filters.

The result of this was a stylized dirty old coin and I think it looks pretty neat!

Now to kick back, relax and wait for this to blow up like the winter piece did~!


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